The AP’s Role In A Trump Administration

The Associated Press news agency is an American independent news agency based in New York City. Formed in 18 46, it is an inter part of the Associated Newspapers of America (ANCA). It is one of the largest news agencies in the world. Its twenty-two local wire service carries all news information from all over the world and is accessible to millions of readers weekly.

AP News

The AP news agency has two wire services: local and national. Both services are available to all its members. AP news reports, similarly distributed to its international members and clients, are generally produced in English, Spanish and sometimes Arabic. These news reports are picked up by wire services around the world and are then distributed via e-mail, wire services such as Direct TV and Skype.

The advantages of an AP news service are many. Apart from the fact that it can be expected any time, it can be relied upon for breaking news on any given day and is available for the people residing in any part of the globe. Since it carries exclusive stories, it guarantees to deliver timely, relevant and current news gathering.

However, many AP news outlets are reporting that they have been approached by the White House to get them to cover the presidential election. This is being reported as a clear violation of the AP news service’s guidelines and could lead to serious challenges for the news agency. This comes at a time when the AP is under serious pressure from both the Democrats and Republicans to cover the presidential race in an impartial way. President Trump has made it clear that he intends to run the government in an extremely business like manner. In this sense, any move by AP to focus on either the Trump administration or the Republican agenda could prove problematic. With a strong push from the administration, the AP could find itself weakened.

The future of the news organizations themselves does look grim, as there are very few government initiatives which the AP news organizations feel could be done effectively. Many news organizations believe that the only way to safeguard their rights is to sue the federal government over its handling of the presidential election. However, in this context, the AP has some reservations about going that far. The AP has also reportedly contacted members of the House and Senate intelligence committees about potentially writing a report on the activities of the Trump administration and the Justice Department during the presidential campaign.

While there is no definite indication as to how such a report would come out, the AP News has already written several stories based on leaked internal AP memos. It is possible that if the AP writes a separate investigative report based on what it learns from the leaks, the AP may find itself in a precarious position. If the AP writes an article based on what the sources of the leaked documents say, the sources could be in a position to use the leak to sue the AP. If the source wants to sue, the AP could be in a worse spot than the leakers themselves. If the AP decides to publish an article based on what the sources say, it could face legal action by either the Obama administration or the House and Senate intelligence committees for using copyrighted information when running its Main Article or lead article on the election.